Saturday, April 11, 2009


My birthday was last Sunday. Michael and I decided to drive to California because I had two sisters going at the same time, and my Dad lives there. We went to Disneyland on my birthday because you get in for free on your birthday in 2009. We saved $70 that way. They gave me a "Happy Birthday" button to wear, and every cast member who saw me wished me a happy birthday. It was pretty fun. My Dad made us a yummy breakfast with eggs and bacon, and in the evening we came back to a yummy birthday dinner and chocolate cake.

We went back to Disneyland a couple more times with my sisters and their kids, which was a hoot. We also went to the beach and did a lot of sitting around in the hot tub and playing pool. I've decided that vacation time fits into two categories: memory-making and relaxing/rejuvenating. So we tried to get in a little of both. But yesterday I started developing a bad cold, and by the evening I had a pretty bad fever. We're back in Utah now, but I feel a little like death warmed over.

My phone doesn't work outside of Utah, so I came home to 23 voice messages, most of which were happy birthday messages. Very nice, but I'm sad I wasn't able to get them myself! Anyway, thanks everyone for your calls!

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