Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No more movies before bed

Michael had an interesting dream the other day.

He dreamed that we were asleep in bed, when the Joker walked in.

So Michael jumped up on the bed and whipped out two butcher knives. He yelled, "Quick, Breanne! Call Bruce Wayne!"

We keep laughing about it.

Michael talks in his sleep all the time. Crazy stuff. Of course, if I heard him say, "Call Bruce Wayne..." in his sleep, I'd be just as confused. It helps to know he was facing down the Joker at the time.


Jacque said...

That is so hilarious!

Nikki Jenson said...

I am laughing my a*@ off!

Kylen and Adrienne said...

I totally had a dream with the joker in it too, but more like a nightmare. Funny, it was at Alta too; I had to hide Kathryn in the choir room. Ha ha!

heather said...

Too funny! You guys have the best stories!