Monday, April 13, 2009

Personal Note

I really shouldn't have gone to see all the Easter cuteness (see post below), because I'm still sick as a dog. These illnesses are getting ridiculous. I think my body is purposely sabotaging me. When I left their house last night, my brother-in-law saw me to the door and called out, "Get well soon! [pause] And forever!"

Yes, please! My sickness is to the point where Michael can't understand me when I speak, and I can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time... how am I supposed to get better? The throat pain is the worst of it, but I can't take pain killers for it because two weeks ago I had to see a doctor for what I thought was a long stomach flu... He determined that I had so many painkillers over the last few months (can you say 7 hospital visits + 1 oral surgery), that it had messed up my intestines. Maybe we can hook me up to an IV and send stuff right to my blood stream? Man, I really sound like a drug addict, don't I? Truth is, I gag every time I swallow a pill. Especially big ones. (That never happened to me before late December... 3 weeks into my first kidney stone problem. Since then gagging is the norm). I hate putting chemicals into my system, I hate to think what they are doing to me. I want to flush them all out of me so there's nothing that would interfere with a pregnancy, should that happen.

I guess, simply put, I'm sick of being sick.

*Note: here's where I realize that there are people way worse off than me. Sorry.


Jed said...

man that stinks! I hate taking pills too

Nephi Johnson said...

i always gag too, unless it is my birth control pills. it's a big mental thing for me, so now i stare at my birth control while i take pills when i am sick. granted they are the smallest ever, but it still beats having my body eject them.

Kylen and Adrienne said...

So sorry you're sick again, Bre. It stinks how fixing one problem can create another one. I hope things get better soon!