Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve, 2011

*Written 3/25/13*

Christmas Eve is finally here!  We decided to dress Jane up for the occasion and headed over to Grandma Bobbi's house for the yearly celebration.

Here is Jane in her Christmas Dress:

Inside the house are all of her aunties and uncles and cousins and of course, Grandma!  There are so many people to play with!  Get ready for just a load of pictures:

Merri showing Jane a toy
The haul!
Jane and Daddy

Will and Kimball in the chaos

We did change her out of her dress eventually.
Gotta be comfy for gift-opening time!

Austin's getting something big!
Baby Evelyn opening a gift

A highlight of the evening for me was seeing my siblings
open the family photo books I had been putting together for months.

Ian amidst the toys

Matti holding Jane

Jane gets to open a gift!  She loves these blocks.

I got some much-needed sewing supplies!

Daddy got some help opening his present

We are all laughing at some joke.  Probably something Adam said.

Jane got a dress from Grandma

Is this the Christmas where Doug paid Ella five dollars to give him a hug?  Anyway, we convinced all the girls to come take a picture with Doug!

So that was Christmas Eve!  We went home and crashed in order to get ready for the big day ahead.


Hugs from mom said...

I just looked at this and thought, wait a minute, that's not what Evelyn looked like at Christmas! And then I realized it was from 2011! Man are you behind! JK. At least your getting caught up, right.

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Pics! Thank You for sharing - we really look forward to seeing these. And ditto Lauren.