Friday, February 12, 2010

Opening Ceremonies

The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics are starting in a few minutes, and I am SO BUMMED that I'm not having a big party at my house right now with everyone I know. Michael and I don't entertain, ever, but we make an exception every two years to throw a big bash for the games. I started planning for tonight before I even got pregnant last May, but with my due date just a week ago we decided to cancel the festivities. But I hope everyone is still watching tonight (and keep us in mind for 2012)!

Here's a picture from Opening Ceremonies 2008:

I guess in the meantime I'll settle for this:


Nikki Jenson said...

Welcome to Motherhood - where every expectation is changed by the magical touch of little hands!

Jacque said...

so adorable--I think that's worth the sacrifice. =)