Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting better

I've been thinking of this song so much lately.

Back when the Beatles were touring, Ringo got sick, and they had to use a replacement drummer for some of their shows. Fans were worried that the new drummer might actually end up replacing Ringo. The new drummer, what's-his-name, got a lot of criticism and hostile treatment because of this. One day in rehearsals, the guys asked what's-his-name how he was doing, and he replied, "It's getting better." This song is based on his response.

I like the song because I think it describes me pretty well lately. I am okay if I don't try to move or stand or go anywhere. A couple of times in the last week, I tried to leave the house because I thought I was well enough. The first time, I started bleeding internally a lot; the second time, I got a pain in my back where my kidney is that hasn't quite gone away yet. Hurt me twice... shame on me. Learned my lesson? Hopefully. If I stay still and laying down, I usually feel okay, which is deceptive because I start to wonder if maybe I've gotten better. But every time I get up it hurts bad enough that I realize it was a bad idea. I never thought I could be this invalid.

So I'm not entirely okay... but some things are getting better:
1. As I've learned, the Family Medical Leave Act protects me from losing my job if I'm out for being sick, so I'm not allowed to worry about that anymore (according to my sister). I discussed the situation with my boss, and we're going to see how I'm doing the week after I get the stint out to see if I can make it back in.

2. Michael finished his last final on Thursday morning. So he's been able to take care of me a lot, and will even wake up out of a deep sleep if I tell him that I need help. He's also on his Christmas vacation this weekend, and doesn't have to return to work until next Thursday night, woo hoo!

3. Since I stopped taking the antibiotic a few days ago, I haven't been as nauseous anymore. That is a huge improvement. My appetite has returned and everything digestive is getting much better.

4. I am really looking forward to Christmas. I get to see a lot of my family and we get to eat yummy food.

So: it's getting better. I've made it through a whole week with this blasted stint in, and next Tuesday I get to have it taken out. I haven't seen the stone come out yet, but it's still got a lot of time to get moving.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!


CK Rock said...

Chorus in the background: "It can't get much worse...."

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

amy jo said...

Breanne, I am so glad to hear of improvement. You are almost to Tuesday! Won't it be nice to start 2009 stent free! Thinking of you. Love, Amy Jo

heather said...

Breanne! i keep checking your blog to get an update.... are you dead? are you okay?! ah!!!! I need to know! I guess i could call you... but it is too late right now to call! I hope you are doing even better. Good wishes to you and Michael.