Wednesday, December 10, 2008


People say that kidney stones cause the worst pain anyone can ever feel in their entire life, childbirth included. So far, I haven't noticed any difference from this statement. One funny remark that I keep getting is that now that I've had a kidney stone - childbirth should be a breeze! Really? I think they're trying to be comforting... but I don't think childbirth is going to be any easier just because I've felt worse pain.

I had to go back to the ER yesterday. I was down to two pain-killers left, so I waited as long as I possibly could just to see how bad the pain was still, and I made it 5 hours before the pain was so bad that it made me cry. At the ER they did another x-ray, and the stone is in exactly the same spot that it was on Saturday night. It's just about to drop into the bladder, but hasn't made it there. The doctor prescribed me a pill to relax those muscles, and hopefully they will relax enough to move the stone into the bladder finally.

They said that if I still haven't passed the stone by tomorrow, that I need to contact a urologist to have it removed surgically. In the meantime, I'm supposed to consume over a gallon of fluids a day, but that's hard when I keep throwing up and have extreme nausea. Anything I consume sits like a painful, firey rock in my stomach, and I've been getting killer headaches despite all of the painkillers I've been on.

Basically, my left foot feels great, so I'm focusing all of my concentration on that because it's the only thing that isn't going through hell in my body. People have expressed concern about me going in for surgery to get this removed, but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes for this to be over. You want to stick that into what hole? Go for it. Just do whatever you need to do. Hopefully this won't last much longer.


The Niebuhr's said...

I told one of my friends about it. She said the second it passes you know and instantly feel better. She's also had a baby and says they both hurt.

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Oy! Hope it's not too much longer. Hang in there, Bre. You're my hero!

Hugs from mom said...

I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. I had to have stints put in to drain my kidneys when I was 9 mo. pregnant with Dallin. They thought it was kidney stones blocking my kidneys and keeping them from draining but it was hard to see because of the pregnancy. I just remember feeling like I couldn't breathe because it hurt so bad. I actually hope you get the surgery so this pain will stop. It's not that complicated and you'll feel better when its over. I'm just so sorry you have to go through this.