Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Holidays

Since my last post some very nice things happened. I got to hang out with my whole family a couple of times - Christmas and New Year's day. I'm inclined to say that I liked New Year's better because my sister hosting the party decided it should be a pajama party - and any day I don't have to get dressed is a good day. I really liked the lax attire, and I'm tempted to move that all further family get-togethers be PJ-mandatory. Well, come to think of it, my sisters can put together some pretty cute outfits, and I'd hate to deprive them of the chance to show a little style.

The real big day was December 30th: stint-removal day. It wasn't what I expected, in that I expected some pain-killers first. I didn't get any, and I should just probably leave it to your imagination as to how it went. Suffice it to say, it was bad. Looking back, I do sort of feel a sense of accomplishment now in that I got through it somehow, and that I didn't spontaneously combust (if my body physically manifested what was going on mentally, that is what would have happened).

With the stint removed, things have been better. I have stopped bleeding (internally), and I can stand for longer periods of time without hurting myself. I even was able to return to work, though I am trying to do a light schedule. I still have some abdominal pain, but it is usually tolerable. Worse than that, I am still struggling with nausea and I don't know why. My doctor likes to blame my nausea on everything but his area of involvement ("maybe you have the flu?"). I'm thinking of seeing a general practitioner this week for some second opinions. The kidney stones are still inside of me, and as my brother says, I'm like a 'ticking time-bomb' because they could come down any time. If a stone does come out, you'll all be the first to know.

This year I didn't send out any Christmas cards, and I don't have any New Year's Resolutions. It seems a bit less festive than years past, but I'm at peace with it because I'm doing the best I can with things the way they are. I love you all and hope that the season finds you well.

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