Friday, January 9, 2009

Stones a'plenty

The stone in my left kidney got loose and started wreaking havoc on me today. (Remember, the stone in my right kidney has been the one causing all of the trouble up until now. The stone in my left kidney was just lying dormant until today). My urologist didn't think that the left stone would come loose for months. Lucky me. The ER gave me some more painkillers (enough to put out a small horse, my nurse told me) and told me to go home and see if it comes out in the next few days. So this is basically a repeat of what happened last month. My worst nightmare would be that they have to put in another stint, this time on the left side. Hopefully it won't come to that. I still haven't seen the right stone, either. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

heather said...

well, that is good you won't have to worry about that side anymore. one down. one to go. :0( what happened to your phone?