Monday, September 30, 2013

Misc September 2013

*Written 7/14*

Here are some of our photos from September 2013:

I've been doing a lot of shrub trimming in the yard.  The only way this works is for me to set up the porta crib outside and put Colin in it to play, and then Jane runs around me.  This is a picture I took to show Daddy at work the setup.

Jane "cuddling" Abba

Jane started preschool this month!  Here she is on her first day of school in an outfit she picked out.

Two sleepy heads.

Jane is also continuing her gymnastics classes this month through next March.

Colin doing what he does best - playing!

Jane ready for another day at school.

Mommy and Daddy took Colin to a cafe
while Jane was in school.

Colin found some fun things to play with!

Colin keeping busy in Relief Society.
 We also had a visit from Grandma Bonnie this month!  She is Colin and Jane's Great-Grandma!

This is how Jane and Colin start every morning.  Milk!
Colin is finally old enough to switch to whole milk and it's quite
a relief on our budget!

Most importantly (besides turning one) Colin took his first step this month!  It was the day after his first birthday at Nana and Grandpa Meservy's house.  There is a video of it below along with some other random videos from this month.

This video is only 2:30 long so I decided to try to do my first HD video (the quality should be a lot better than all my other videos).  It shows the kids playing at the Meservy's house and the kids playing at our house.

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