Saturday, August 31, 2013

Misc August 2013

*Written June 2014*

Here are some random pictures we took in August 2013.

Jane being helpful and giving Colin his bottle.

One day Colin realized that he could push this toy train around the house, and he has never, ever stopped.  He LOVES anything that goes, things with wheels, basically anything that you can ride and push and roll around the house.  I think it might be a life long love affair, and this was the very beginning!

Colin and Jane are finally starting to play together

I have no idea how Rocky was comfortable laying on this brush.

Chris and Camille were in town with their kids!
We were at the grocery store and having some fun
with Colin in the aisle.

Jane is laying on Rocky in this picture.

Colin trying out a sippie cup.

More playing.  I think I took a lot of these pictures to send to Daddy
while he was at work so he could see what we were up to.

Colin love to walk the shoes with his hands around the house!
There is some cute video of it at the end.

Cuddly Rocky

Not-so-cuddly Abba

We went to the library with Jane's friend, Gabi.  Jane sat on top of Gabi
in this picture!

You can see her in there!

Colin really likes shoes.

The shoe interest only lasts about six months
from now but it's pretty cute!

Mommy sneaking a picture in RS one day
to send to Daddy at work.

Trying more solid foods!
Colin LOVES bananas! 
I took Jane to a movie one day and she fell asleep in the theater.
This is us after the movie was over.

Some of the video highlights:
- Jane at her swim class.
- Colin playing with toys, which was pretty amazing to see him grow and learn how to play and bush buttons.
- Colin pushing his train around the house for the first time - SO DARLING!!
- Colin playing with Jane, chasing her around the chair in the room which was so great to see them play for the first time.
- Jane and Colin playing tug-of-war with Nana, which was a blast!  Colin laughed his head off!
- Colin sticking his hand under the door of his room, and Jane on the other side touching them, and then they both shout!
- Colin dancing, wiggling his body up and down and bouncing around.
- Colin finding another rolly toy and learning how to push it around (laying the groundwork for years to come!).
- Colin dancing with Jane around the front room.
- Colin walking his shoes around the house.
- Colin playing with shoes again and Jane wanting to be in the video, too.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

The video is really good.