Friday, June 28, 2013

Jane's Gymnastics, Summer 2013

*Written June 2014*

Jane started taking her first class this summer - a gymnastics class at our local rec center! She had a lot of fun doing it. I was strangely proud to see her start something for herself and learn how to disengage from me and be so active.

Jane's friend Gabi was able to take the same class.  Here are Colin and Gabi's little sister Ava playing during gymnastics.

Jane tumbling

Jane would detach from me and re-attach to a teacher in her class.
It didn't bother her if the teacher was at the front leading the stretches!

Colin's greatest aim was to play all over the gymnastics equipment.
Mommy had to run all over to keep him off of it.

Jane brought a stuffed animal friend this day.

My attempts to keep Colin occupied (aka restrained) during gymnastics.

On the last day they got to play with this thing.
Whatever it is, it's a favorite of mine from when I was a kid.

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