Friday, June 28, 2013

Misc June 2013

*Written May 2014*

This month started off with Ella's baptism.

This is just a random picture of Jane that I probably sent to Daddy.

Here are the kids in Grandma Bobbi's classroom.
Mommy teaches French on Thursdays and sometimes brings the kids.
 At work I was happy to participate in an event where author Brandon Sanderson came.  I got to be his helper and get books prepared for him to sign.  I got to hear all of the cool questions fans asked him and what his answers were!

Mommy and Jane getting some cuddles in:

This month Colin has started to sit up by himself!  He likes to sit up with a toy and play with it in his lap.  He is even learning to crawl - scooting himself across the carpet!  

Some quality time with Mommy.

Since Colin is crawling now, sometimes he has to play in his porta crib so Mommy can sweep the floor, trim the bushes, etc.  Jane joins him sometimes so he doesn't get lonely!


Hanging out on Mom's bed, watching movies on the iPod.

Rocky relaxing in the shade outside

Mom and I took Jane to some antique stores.
She came in to our room wearing this hat and said,
"Hey guys, look at me!"
It was so adorable we had to laugh.

Colin sportin some Mickey shades

We've also started to give him some solid finger foods on his tray and he is learning how to pick them up and eat.

Jane started a gymnastics class this month.  She does so amazing!   I love watching her do fun things on the equipment.  But Colin is a little too excited - he wants to join her!

Around Pioneer Day we had a visit from Uncle Rodger and Auntie Cindy!

Chillin' with Grandpa Dennis

Sparklers with Auntie Cindy!

Colin loves music and when he hears it he'll wiggle in time to the beat - he is so musical!  I have been watching a lot of old movies lately and this one captivated his attention like nothing has before! It was pretty cute to see.

June always brings Strawberry Days to our city, and we love to walk over to the fair since it's just a few blocks from where we live.

Funnel cake is a must.

Two handsome men.

Jane and I had a blast on the ferris wheel

Colin wasn't tall enough to ride. :(

Jane LOVES getting her face painted.

Here's some video from our day at Strawberry Days:

Colin just being cute.

Colin discovered his reflection in the fireplace grate.
Jane did this exact thing at his age!

Jane helping out with feeding Colin

Snuggles with the kitty
 More gymnastics fun!

Colin trying to join Jane on all the fun equipment.

Snuggles with Rocky.
 At the end of the month Grandma Bobbi to Jane and me to the Princess Festival at Thanksgiving Point.  Jane met lots of Princesses and we got to go on a carriage ride.  It was a hoot!

Another busy month but lots of fun!

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

You guys know how to have fun.