Friday, May 31, 2013

Misc May 2013

*Written May 2014*

May has been a beautiful month!  We've been enjoying the nice weather and time together.  Also Colin has been more vocal and has been trying out making sounds.  One fun thing he does is say, "Blah blah blah blah blah!"  I took a video of it that I think is super cute:

Jane and Rocky snuggle all the time, sometimes involuntarily for Rocky:

In early May we went outside to celebrate the arrival of warm weather.  I set up a blanket on the lawn and an umbrella to keep the sun off of Colin.  I also set up some buckets with water for Jane so she could enjoy playing with different bowls and pouring.

Jane was sick one day and slept in my bed.  I took a picture of her
early in the morning because she looked so peaceful.

Just Colin looking cute.

For Mother's Day we took Mom out for sushi.

It was delicious!

This is a picture of me and Colin on Mother's Day in
Relief Society.  I was sending it to Daddy.

Jane showing off some of her artwork.
We made a Mother's Day visit to Michael's Mom (and Dad) in Sandy and took some beautiful pictures:

Colin has also started to push himself up this month and push himself around the floor:

One day we went to Auntie Jacque's house and Jane got to play in the pool with Ian!

Colin got to hang out inside where it was nice and cool.

Jane sporting some cool shades in the car!

Mommy and Jane snuggling

Jane also got a haircut this month! This is before.



In May Michael and I also celebrated our 9th anniversary!  We took the kids out to a restaurant to celebrate.

Colin had a good time!
One thing I love is snuggling and relaxing on our big bed with the kids.  Here are a few pictures of us just hanging out one morning.

Jane likes wearing her swim goggles any old place.

Rocky is also a snuggler with Mommy.  His favorite place to curl up is on my legs:

Jane loves to help me clean the house!  This is her wiping down the stove and microwave:

Here's Jane entertaining us with a few numbers on the piano.
We made a trip to one of Jane's favorite places: Kangaroo Zoo!

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Here are my miscellaneous videos from the month. Ian and Jane playing in the pool, Jane playing on the piano and dancing, etc:

Another fun month watching the kids grow and learn so much!

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