Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last clue

We're stateside - although i would rather be at some of the exotic locales you've mentioned. :)
You can see the downtown buildings behind me in this photo and the notable skyline behind it. Where could we be? We're coming home in a day or so, and I'll do a proper blog post then.


Hugs from mom said...

It looks like you got to enjoy some nice sunny weather in that place that is often cloudy. :)

Ross and Kathy said...

Is that a Hood over your head?

M said...

Okay. I can tell that you are in the Northwest now. But I'm still not sure which mountain is in the background (the sunny days are so few, that it's hard become familiar with the shape of the mountains in the distance). Mount Hood? Rainier?

Or perhaps you're in Oregon?

Breanne said...

You got it! We're in Oregon! Portland to be specific, and that is Mt. Hood behind me.

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Oh...Oregon. Not that I figured that out myself of course, just reading the other comments. I hear it's really pretty there. How fun! Hope you're having fun and I can't wait to get together soon and hear all about it!