Saturday, April 9, 2011

Totally Awesome Birthday

I had a great birthday this year.  Michael took care of Jane in the morning so I could sleep in, and when I woke up I listened to him do the dishes and run around after Jane - beautiful sounds!  Then he made me an amazing breakfast with eggs and bacon and biscuits.  He'd even gone to the store before any of us woke up so he could buy Tron: Legacy since it had just come out that day!

I had to work from 12-9 which was a bummer, but one of my co-workers made a yummy crumbly chocolate cake for me, and everyone was so nice.  On my lunch break from 4-5 my brother took me to this Italian restaurant in Provo that I really like, where they have what I think is possibly the best cake ever!

When I got home from work Michael had picked up fish tacos for dinner and we watched Tron together.  I didn't get to see Jane since she had already gone to bed, which made me sad because I hardly got to see her on my birthday.  I wanted to take a picture of the two of us together, but her nap in the morning was longer than usual and we didn't have a chance.  I had Michael take a picture of me with some of the flowers he got me - did I forget to mention that he got me flowers, too?  He really did a great job of making me feel special and doing so many nice things for me.  The only bad part about my birthday was that it had to end!

Since I didn't get a picture of Jane and me on my birthday, I'll have to settle for showing you these from a few days before:


Erika said...

Cute pics!

Ross and Kathy said...

Well, it sounds like you had a really nice birthday. Too bad you lazy dad didn't call to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRE".

Breanne said...

Yeah, Dad, what's up with that? =)