Thursday, June 17, 2010

Strawberry Days

Our city's yearly summer fair is called "Strawberry Days" - they set up some carnival rides and lots of booths where you can win prizes or buy local crafts, plus they have day activities and competitions. Little did we know that Strawberry Days is set up about 2 blocks from our house! So this afternoon I asked Michael if we could walk over - presumably for funnel cake. Funnel cake is pretty much the only motivation I need to do anything.

Even though we went late in the day, we still needed to protect Jane from the sun, so she wore this cute hat and some sunblock. But the temperature couldn't be beat - it was in the high 60's... ahh. Perfect for walking around (with funnel cake).

We also got some more use out of our awesome sling. No hands and so comfy!

I saw lots of things that in future years I know I'll love to waste money on for Jane: little crowns with ribbons hanging off and booths where you can make spin-art paintings. Plus it will give me an excuse to do that stuff, too! Aren't kids awesome? I think we only walked around for 45 minutes, but it was still a bit too much for Jane, poor baby! Too much fun!


Ross and Kathy said...

Everybody looks happy; ain't life great.

Jacque said...

How fun! Now you get to spoil yourself-- I mean Jane!

Hannah said...

Funnel cake is the best.