Friday, August 14, 2009

Family Vacation Highlights 1

Our family vacation (/reunion) was with all of my siblings, all of their children, my dad and his wife and my aunt Lynne. We all went to southern Utah for a week, about 30 miles east of Cedar City and we did a TON of stuff. Some things that perhaps pregnant people shouldn't do... well nevermind. It was exhausting. But lots of good memories.

I have to post this video clip of my niece. We had a talent night for all the little kids, and she sang a few songs. Just try to tell me it's not the cutest thing you've ever seen in your whole life:

Here are some of my favorite photos:

My nephew Austin fell asleep at the end of our trip through Zion Park. Looks like how I was feeling by that point, too.

My neice Cameron on our horseback riding trek. This is one of the only non-blurry photos I have from this ride.

Apparently if your horse stops to pee, you fall to the back of the line. But it gave me a chance to take this photo that captures ALMOST everyone in our family who came horseback riding. Yes, that's ALL my family, no strangers in that photo.

Some of us went to Strawberry Point, something that my sister Jacque and I found by basically asking ourselves, "what's up this road?" It was my favorite part of the trip, but I'll post about it later.

Michael refused to shave on this whole vacation. I refused to kiss him. Obviously, that tactic didn't work. This is him on top of Strawberry Point.

Aaand Bryce Canyon.

1 comment:

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Sounds like it was a blast! Hope your move went well, too. I gotta come see it soon :)