Saturday, July 27, 2013


Today Michael was walking up the stairs away from Colin and Colin looked up at him and said, "DADA!"

We're both pretty confident that this was his first word.

Communication has been getting stronger with Colin lately. When he's excited or wants to be picked up, he holds his arms or in front of him and waves his arms up and down, smacking his hands together. It's super cute, basically. Also, he dances!  He totally waggles his bum back and forth to the beat of anything catchy. If he gets stuck somewhere by himself he'll yell like a football coach until someone comes and saves him.

Basically, he's cute and funny and sweet and the best baby ever. Well, him and Jane. Don't know how we lucked out. :-)

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Luck has nothing to do with it - you paid somebody big bucks.