Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jane loves me!

I've got some really cute videos to post, but I realized that I should probably mention that Jane told me she loved me for the first time a week or two ago.  I was leaving for work in the morning, and I went into her room where she was sitting with Michael and told her I was going to work and gave her a bye bye hug.  While I was giving her a hug she said, "I yuv you," in a very contented way.  I cannot tell you how many endorphins must flood your body the first time your baby tells you they love you!
She says it almost every day now, at some point or other, and it is always a rush.  She has told Michael, too, and I can tell he gets the same kind of thrill, it is wonderful!  It's usually while she's giving us a hug.  She also gives wonderful kisses and snuggles with us and gives us big squeezes.  Today we were sitting on the kitchen floor playing when a song came on that she liked, and she just suddenly laid her head down on my leg and stayed that way for a few minutes.  Until I started scratching her back, and then she had to adjust positions so I could scratch more effectively.  And then she needed her arms scratched.  But basically: you never know when a snuggle is coming.  It could hit anytime, anywhere.  But sometimes that girl has just got to snuggle!

I can relate.


Jacque said...

so sweet! I love you, Jane!

Ross and Kathy said...

Pretty Cool Stuff! Just wait until you have 5 or 6 sweet little ones all telling you that they love you.

Sharon said...

My ten-year-old said it this morning out of the blue (somehow different than when she says it heading out of the car for school) and I felt the same way.

Breanne said...

Aww that is really sweet