Friday, November 19, 2010

Sleep talking

Today I changed Jane's diaper in her room and stayed in there for a few minutes to fold some clothes and put them away.  Jane was sitting in her crib playing with all of the clothes I intended to fold and making monster sounds, and I was chatting with her as I worked.  Michael was asleep in the other room but the door was slightly ajar, and suddenly I heard this:

Michael: Breannnnne.

Me: Yes?

Michael: I need you to come get this baby.

Me:  ... The baby is in here with me.

*rustling of the bed covers*

Michael: Are you sure?

Me: Yep, she's in my arms.

Michael (doubtfully):  Okay...

As you can probably tell, Michael's graveyard shift at work has been taking a bit of a toll on him lately.  He's told me before he wakes up in a panic thinking that the baby is in the covers and looking desperately for her in them.  Poor Michael!


Ross and Kathy said...

You think he stresses over this? Wait till he's waiting up for her passed midnight when she's out on a date with some guy.

Breanne said...

That won't be a problem because Michael is sending her to a nunnery when she turns 16. =)

Nikki Jenson said...

Poor Michael, btw, on your last post... WOW Jane has "Gilroy" eyes!

Jacque said...

ohhh that's so freaky. A few weeks ago I woke with a start and said to Kimball, "Where's the baby?!" Cause I was sitting up in bed... nursing! Yup, still there, right where I left him.