Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August o'plenty to do

This is a really busy month. Let's look at weekends.

August 2nd

Not only has Breaking Dawn just come out last night (automatically my weekend is booked), but we have the reception of a good friend in eastern Utah. He's actually been married for 2 weeks, but this is their "Utah" reception. So the groom wants to have a campout with friends afterward, which is an excellent idea. It does make for a late night, though.

August 8th

Michael and I have our biennial Opening Ceremonies party. This year's party included an Olympics trivia game with Gold, Silver, Bronze, and runner-up prizes. We also had a delightful gathering of international foods: chips & salsa (Mexico), éclairs (France), egg rolls (China), pizza bagel bites (Italy), and pretzels (Germany).

August 16th

The Gilroy family has booked a cabin hidden away in Heber from Wednesday to Sunday this weekend. Our plans include several trips to and from the cabin and work, but the majority of Saturday and Sunday we were able to spend away from it all (I don't know if you can classify close proximity with 12 children under 12 "away from it all," but I'm not sure what would be more appropriate. Maybe "into it all"?). At any rate, it was really fun and on Saturday night we even got to have a fancy dinner (adults only) to celebrate my mom's birthday (the 14th).

August 23rd
This weekend has an explosion of places-to-be and things-to-do. Friday night my sister is getting sealed in the temple, then Saturday is the (giant) birthday party of my two nieces, a yearly staff party for the library, and another birthday celebration for my sister-in-law. Naturally, this is on top of 12 hours of work (for Breanne) spread over Friday and Saturday. Family trumps staff parties, so I won't be going to that affair, but everything else is a go.

August 30th
Woe of woes, I had to cancel my plans to have wisdom teeth removed this weekend, due to my sister's wedding reception happening on Saturday. I don't know about you, but I like to be coherent and not drooling for these important family functions, as well as able to chew the steak at her lovely reception restaurant choice.

Don't be dismayed, my dental plans will be rescheduled for September, along with all of the other things we weren't able to cover on the weekends this month.

Now, everyone wants a re-cap of the cabin trip, right?
Here we go!

Look at this little cutie waving goodbye. You know, some kids aren't down with the canoe. This girl was totally stoked. She called, "Bye, Mom!!" and then ignored us.

There they go.

Ahh, roughing it. There's nothing like getting out into the wilderness and getting in touch with nature. Very zen.

Okay, to give these kids some credit, they did partake in some roughing of it. This is after their long hike. They'll start smiling once they're done with those sandwiches.

Ahh, Nikki, thank you for this. Now I can add it to the other one in my collection:

And the piece de resistance:

I don't even remember why you were doing this. But thank you.


Kelsey said...

I'm sad I missed your Olympics party but you should probably be happy I did because you know I would have Michael Phelps/ Usain Bolt-ed up the trivia contest and made all the kids cry :) Can't wait to get back to Provo!!

Jacque said...

That is so unfair! I didn't think that would become part of the public domain!