Monday, February 22, 2010

Poop Apocalypse

Today Jane had her first crazy blowout. And I've seen them before, but never where you had to clean poop out of their armpits.
I'll spare you pictures of the baby, but just look at what happened to her onesie:

I'm not even showing you the inside.
Can you imagine how hard it was to get that thing off of her, over her head? She went straight into the bath.

I'm not really annoyed, it would be harder if she didn't pull cuteness like this right after:

She fell dead asleep in that position. Oh, Jane. All's forgiven!


Adam said...

Wow. Poop Apocalypse.

Say that 3 times fast.
Poop Apocalypse.
Poop Apocalypse.
Poop Apocalypse.

Aunt Polly picked three pecks of perfectly prickly pickled pears, while Peter Piper Piper had a poop apocalypse.


Ross and Kathy said...

Ya know - - - I could have gone all day without knowing about Poop Apocalypse. What the ____ are you feeding that kid anyway? Inquiring minds want to know.

Nikki Jenson said...

Seriously Breanne! Thats nothing! Keala could put all yours babys to shame! All of you! Erika knows - she'll vouch for me!

Jacque said...

Well at least we know that all things are in proper working order over there. Food, check. Poop, check, check. =)

Breanne said...

Adam - I couldn't say it three times.
Dad - I have no idea what was fed to her - surely nothing I fed her would ever produce such an atrocity!
Nikki - you've had to clean poop out of armpits, too?

Hugs from mom said...

Just wait until it gets all over her and her carseat, on the way to the store! Fun times, good memories, glad it's you now and not me.

amy jo said...

Well, its a really cute onesie that she had a blowout in! Once Jill had to go around in only a diaper at BYU because she had a blow out and Tuck didn't have a backup. so many fun things I forgot about!