Right after she was born, Jane would make the "Zoolander" face a lot, which really cracked me up. She's not doing it as much anymore, but yesterday I caught a decent one on camera.
Isn't she really really ridiculously good-looking?
In case anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, there's some explanation here.
Jane was blessed today. She looked so pretty in her dress. After she got blessed, she was passed around two entire LONG pews of family members, all the way to the closing prayer. So cute!
Just a note to my friends who may be blessing babies in the future: check and see when daylight savings is "springing forward" - and avoid a blessing that Sunday if your church is at 9am! We were all so tired, but everyone made it! After the blessing we came back to our house to have some treats and visit a little.
Jane got passed around some more at home!
And here are some pictures of her in her pretty dress: